Great things don’t come from comfort zone
Steps into Sustainable Livestock Farming
Latest technology is allowing Livestock and Agriculture farmers to be more productive , more profitable and more sustainable than ever before. Agri-Livestock industry as a whole is being impacted by much more high tech development.
Internship with Us
The year-long Apprenticeship program is available for people who have worked for at least one season on a farm.
Apprentices help out with all aspects of the farm ranch.
Each season the farm has interns that work and live on the farm to fulfill their degree requirements. Interns will get the full farm experience on-farm education, and more. We provide a desirable learning experience to interns each summer which help them in future.
The Ultimate Retreat
Our Events

Farm Mechanization
Farm Mechanization is a process of using latest agricultural and livestock related machinery, heavily increase farm efficiency & performance. In modern era, man power shifted on powered machinery which more beneficial for production of agriculture as well as livestock. LES farm is mechanized by the effort of progressive think tank of the company. Turk Coordination Company TiKA also help in farm machination by installing milking parlor and other agriculture machinery.
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Let us provide you best quality products
PLDDB Quality Products
Quality feed increase....animal production
Punjab Livestock and Dairy Development Board not only conserve pure breed of cattle but also marketed its products with company label. PLDDB Punjab Silage and Sucha Wanda are quality products of the company and trusted by the small and commercial farmers across the Pakistan. Punjab Pure Milk is another quality product of the company. It is pure hygienic pasteurized milk with no preservative & additives.
- Full of Nutrition
- Availability Throughout the Year
- Provide Quality Feed
- No Additives, Preservative
- Maintain Hygiene Standards
- Farm to Kitchen Pure Milk
Tons Silage Production
Silage Sites
Liter Daily Milk Production
Milk Sale Points
What inspires us?
Smiles are True
PLDDB works hard for community benefit and show great care towards their customers. Punjab Silage is farmers’ first choice. We are doing our best to promote best quality product in the market.
Let’s introduce sustainable Agro-livestock farming!
CEO’s Words
It is a matter of immense pleasure for me to welcome you to Punjab Livestock and Dairy Development Board, a company established for the development of livestock and dairy sector in Punjab.
Livestock sector has an explosive potential to uplift the national economy by contributing a major share in national GDP and beyond doubt can be termed as Economy’s Lifeline. PLDDB aims to conserve, develop, and improve the livestock of Punjab and bridge the gap between demand and supply of meat and milk by strengthening of establishment of breed conservation centers; launching health improvement strategies, optimum utilization of animal feed resources; adoption of modern technologies; and encouragement of investment by private entrepreneur. PLDDB also aims to enhance accessibility of consumers towards hygienic milk and Halal meat. PLDDB team is striving hard and I hope we will achieve our goals within a shortest possible time.
They work Relentlessly
Our Experts

Mr. Nazir Satti
Senior Manager Finance & Admin